Working in a demo for a puppet masterclass, I decided to use a puppet agent to install and configure puppet-server and puppetdb. Here explains the process.
Demo VM
I used
vagrant and
Virtualbox to deploy a VM to show the demo, once installed both, run the following:
mkdir demopuppet
cd demopuppet
vagrant box add centos_i386
vagrant init centos_i386
vagrant up
You can find more boxes
here, get one with puppet agent already installed.
Yum repositories
I will explain the code by functionality.
First of all, yum repositories. The first thing I did was to install
epel and
puppetlabs rpm and then, I realized I could use puppet itself to install them.
puppet resource yumrepo epel >> puppetinstall.pp
puppet resource yumrepo puppetlabs-products >> puppetinstall.pp
puppet resource yumrepo puppetlabs-deps >> puppetinstall.pp
Then, on looking that exit, I realized that to give a demo solution, the content had to be edited to avoid gpgcheck (installing keys with puppet is a little more complicated if you only want a .pp as an exit). So the final result was:
#Repositories needed to install puppetmaster
yumrepo { 'epel':
descr => 'Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - $basearch',
enabled => '1',
failovermethod => 'priority',
gpgcheck => '0',
mirrorlist => '$basearch',
yumrepo { 'puppetlabs-deps':
baseurl => '$basearch',
descr => 'Puppet Labs Dependencies El 6 - $basearch',
enabled => '1',
gpgcheck => '0',
yumrepo { 'puppetlabs-products':
baseurl => '$basearch',
descr => 'Puppet Labs Products El 6 - $basearch',
enabled => '1',
gpgcheck => '0',
But I didn't like a solution that reduces quality, so although is good to use yumrepo, I thing the best solution is the one following:
package {'epel-release':
ensure => 'installed',
source => '',
provider => 'rpm',
package {'puppetlabs-release':
ensure => 'installed',
source => '',
provider => 'rpm',
All these packages have to be installed after repositories are settled, so we will set a dependency. Vim and screen are not really needed, but I love them :-).
ensure => installed,
require => [ Package['puppetlabs-release'], Package['epel-release'] ],
Puppet configurations
Remember that we are working in a demo procedure, so this changes are to avoid some good (but manual) practices. First one is enable autosign certificates, to allow any node to authenticate into puppetmaster without human intervention.
# Enables autosign node certificates
file {'/etc/puppet/autosign.conf':
ensure => present,
content => "*\n",
require => Package['puppet-server'],
notify => Service['puppetmaster'],
Next one is setting a new hostname to work with defaults. Puppetmaster and nodes search for a domain name called 'puppet', so if we want to work with defaults, we have to set the correct hostname. I searched a little and found the following (lost source, sorry)
#Set master hostname into puppet.localdomain
file { "/etc/hostname":
ensure => present,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 644,
content => "puppet.localdomain\n",
notify => Exec["set-hostname"],
exec { "set-hostname":
command => "/bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname",
unless => "/usr/bin/test `hostname` = `/bin/cat /etc/hostname`",
# Set some more names to localhost
host { 'localhost':
ensure => 'absent',
host { 'localhost4':
ensure => 'present',
host_aliases => ['puppet', 'puppet.localdomain', 'puppetdb', 'localhost', 'localhost.localdomain', 'localhost4.localdomain4'],
ip => '',
target => '/etc/hosts',
require => Exec['set-hostname'],
host { 'localhost6':
ensure => 'present',
host_aliases => ['puppet', 'puppet.localdomain', 'puppetdb', 'localhost', 'localhost.localdomain', 'localhost6.localdomain6'],
ip => '::1',
target => '/etc/hosts',
require => Exec['set-hostname'],
Puppet Service
We managed well with configurations, now we can set the service.
# Configure puppetmaster to be started
service {'puppetmaster':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => Exec['set-hostname'],
PuppetDB configurations
As we can see
here, puppetdb installation is not as easy as 'yum install', we need to manually create files routes.yaml, puppetdb.conf and add some stuff into puppet.conf. I have also seen that when installing for first time, for a strange reason does not set https access, so I have to add an exec to assure this config.
#PuppetDB service configuration
service {'puppetdb':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => Service['puppetmaster']
$puppetdb_conf = '[main]
server = puppet
content => $puppetdb_conf,
require => Package['puppetdb-terminus'],
notify => Service['puppetmaster'],
$puppetdb_route = '---
terminus: puppetdb
cache: yaml
content => $puppetdb_route,
require => Package['puppetdb-terminus'],
notify => Service['puppetmaster'],
#Workarround since there is no len in augeas for puppet.conf
command => 'echo "[master]" >> /etc/puppet/puppet.conf; echo " storeconfigs = true" >> /etc/puppet/puppet.conf; echo " storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb" >> /etc/puppet/puppet.conf;',
unless => 'grep "\[master\]" /etc/puppet/puppet.conf',
path => ['/bin'],
require => Package['puppetdb-terminus'],
notify => Service['puppetmaster'],
#Workarround for first install problem
command => 'puppetdb-ssl-setup',
path => ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin'],
require => Package['puppetdb'],
notify => Service['puppetdb'],
So, when we finally have all this code, we just need to execute this instruction:
sudo puppet apply /vagrant/puppetinstall.pp
And let the magic flow...
After all this, the real demo can be a script like that:
sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-apache
sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-firewall
sudo touch /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
sudo chmod a+w /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
cat > /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp <<EOF
node 'puppet' {
require firewall
#PuppetDB access and apache standard ports
firewall{ '100 allow apache and puppetdb access':
port => [80,8080,443],
proto => tcp,
action => accept,
class{ 'apache': }
sudo chmod 644 /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
sudo puppet agent -t -d
And let people see your puppetdb instance working (show them some API calls) and your brand new apache working.
Here follows my
gist with twice files: